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Composer Robert Burns Arnot began his musical studies at an early age, studying trumpet at the New England Conservatory of Music under Paul Gay, trombonist with the Boston Pops. Robert showed very quick progress on his instrument, so much so that he secured a position as trumpeter at the New England Conservatory of music, where, while still only in 8th grade, he was promoted to Trumpet, First Chair in the NEC orchestra.

From the outset Robert also showed both a keen interest, as well as a precocious talent, for composition. As a result, he began a very focused study of Composition during the last several years at the Conservatory.  His composition studies covered a wide spectrum of styles and techniques, studying with Kati Agocs, Kate Salfelder and Paul Burdick; also, during that time, he studied conducting with Charles Peltz, piano with Marc Ryder, as well as Music theory with Bert Van Herck.  In addition, he was tutored in music theory and composition by Justin Weiss, Virtu academy, and also by Aaron Israel Levin, Yale University

In addition to his music studies, Robert Arnot also studied medicine at Dartmouth College, from which he received his BMS, and then graduating in medicine from McGill University as a medical doctor/MD. His musical style is very much tonal, with a strong melodic and thematic character – he does not eschew tradition, rather he embraces it and builds upon it.  His catalogue of works includes various works for orchestra, as well as works highlighting solo instruments. The Cottonbrook Suite is the World Premiere recording of some of his orchestral works.